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FM22 Cut-Out Megapack - 22.00 OUT NOW including torrent [21/10/2021]


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  • Generaţia de Aur

Are cineva idee daca e posibil sa instalez pachetele grafice pe alta partitie in afara de cea pe care am Widowsul? Aici am un SSD destul de micut si rahaturile astea imi ocupa 20 gb.

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  • Generaţia de Aur
10 hours ago, Ita said:

Are cineva idee daca e posibil sa instalez pachetele grafice pe alta partitie in afara de cea pe care am Widowsul? Aici am un SSD destul de micut si rahaturile astea imi ocupa 20 gb.

La un moment dat mergea. Cred ca merge si acum, trebuie mutat undeva cu totul - \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018\ - si apoi trebuie setat undeva, din Preferences ale jocului, noua cale a salvarilor/elementelor grafice etc.

Posibil, totusi sa se fi scos intre timp...nu stiu ce sa zic si nici nu pot verifica acum. :)

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  • Generaţia de Aur

Like with FM2016 you are no longer able to adjust your User Data Location (Saving Location) from within the Preferences Menu.

This feature was removed because it was apparently causing confusion among users, however it is still possible to adjust your User Data Location if you don't want it in the default location, however you now need to add a command line to the game launch options.

(NOTE: You only need to follow the below instructions if you want to move the location, these instructions aren't needed if you are just wanting to add content to the default location).

To do this follow the instructions below:

- Go into Steam -> Library -> Games view.

- Locate Football Manager 2017 and right-click on the game.

- Select 'Properties'

- Click 'Set Launch Options...'

- Copy the following into the dialogue box: --user_data_location="<path>"

- In the <path> section, enter the exact path you wish the folder to be generated (ie D:\Users\ etc)

So for example if you wanted your User Data Location to be G:\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2017

You would add the following text to the dialogue box:

--user_data_location="G:\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2017"

So your Launch Options box should look something like this for Football Manager 2017:


Note that this folder location needs to already exist on your hard drive before setting the launch option, then when you next launch FM2017 the game will automatically generate the needed subfolders (such as games and skins). There also shouldn't be any problem with setting both your Full and Touch Mode Saving Locations to the same location, which should save you having to duplicate any custom graphics you have downloaded.

If done correctly the contents of your custom User Data Location should look something like this after having run the game with the launch option set:


Also note that if you have any already created anything in game with the default location set (such as save games, shortlists, or tactics) you will need to manually copy the items over to your new location. Also the BETA versions aren't creating the graphics folder so before you add any graphics you'll need to create this folder yourself.

To reset your User Data Location to the default position you just need to delete the command line and on your next restart of FM17 the game will go back to using the default location. (Again you'll need to maunaly copy over any existing files from your old custom location to the default location for them to be read by the game).

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  • ovidiu10 changed the title to FM18 Megapack - 10.06 OUT NOW [21/03/2018]
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Generaţia de Aur
6 minutes ago, il muce said:

Exista vreo sursa de download alta decat sortitoutsi unde downloadul dureaza ani de zile ?

Torrentul + cele 6 updateuri. Asta ar fi cea mai simpla cale. :D Calea mai complicata ar fi sa fac eu un torrent, dar nu stiu daca ma descurc. Anunt zilele urmatoare daca am reusit.


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  • Romania Research Team
9 hours ago, Octavian said:

Rog pe cineva de aici sa-mi caute si mie pozele lui: Nicolo de Angelis(id 43295395), Alessio Riccardi(id 43372027), Vicente Besuijen(id 37060949) in baza lui de poze. Asta daca le are.


Doar pe al treilea il am.


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  • ovidiu10 changed the title to FM18 Megapack - 10.07 OUT NOW [02/05/2018]

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