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A big welcome back to the developer blogs for Football Manager Live. Over the coming week or so I’m going to explain about what’s happened to FML and more importantly what’s happening going forward.

I’ll be telling you about some of the great features that we’ve been working on and hopefully giving you a little glimpse into the future. The first few blogs might be old hat to some of you who are currently playing the game but for those unaware or in need of a recap – here goes.

Towards the end of last year, we spent a lot of time researching into the first year of Football Manager Live. We looked, in detail, into the things that worked, the things that didn’t, where mistakes have been made, where we can improve and, most importantly, what we need to do now to fulfil the massive potential that we all believe Football Manager Live has.

The bottom line is that, after months of meetings,we decided to re-launch the game and reset the gameworlds.

Resetting proved to be our best option. The much debated gameworld merge was something we looked at very closely and although it wasn’t impossible to do the single biggest problem was that FML players were unique. There is only ever one Wayne Rooney.

If we had a scenario where two teams that got merged into the same gameworld both had a particular player we’d get into big issues as much of our database design and architecture centres around this.

When we talked about a reset, we also talked in detail about adding a bunch of new features that we felt would dramatically improve the general gameplay and, more importantly, make the game even more fun for those playing it!

Different flavours of gameworlds

So many of you told us that you wanted different types of gameworld that we’ve worked hard to make this happen. After there-launch we will have two different types of gameworlds.Every single subscriber has had the chance to tell us where they want to play post reset.

Fantasy Players (newgen only)

This gameworld type will work essentially as they do now and is aimed at the hardcore FML gamer/ MMO fan. The aim of the game is to take your club from poor beginnings and compete with managers from all over the globe in a variety of leagues and cups.

There will be NO real players in this gameworld, so there’s no searching the internet for the list of latest wonderkids to help you find the best players. It’s about scouting for unknown youngsters and training them up into superstars. It’s about tactics, and outwitting the opposition on the pitch. And it’s about proving that you are the best at what you do.

We spent time looking at whether these gameworlds could accommodate more than 1000 managers at a time but in the end we kept it as you have it currently (at least in the first season) as this allows us to generate pre-selected squads for managers with similar abilities (more on preselected squads another time)

Returning Stars (Rolled out in 1.4 – Jan 2010)

Whilst the Newgen gameworlds are great for the hardcore gamer, not everyone wants to play the long term, rags to riches game and, as such, we’re looking to provide another flavour of gameworld. This type of gameworld is more aimed at the football fan, rather than the football gamer and is based around real and famous players.

Whilst the underlying mechanic of the game will be very similar to what we have at the moment the emphasis on this type is more about playing long term with recognisable players

But, ‘what when these famous players retire?’ I hear you cry! Well that’s where the clever bit comes in.

In essence, the heart of the new feature is that any player that retires in the game will be able to be brought back in. In the interests of fairness and making older gameworlds more attractive, the top rated retired players will be reborn (at the age they are in real life not as a youth player) and allocated to teams in a seasonal draft based on how well a team is doing or how long they have been in the GW.

This means that the newest teams and the teams lowest ranked will be allocated the best players in the draft. This draft will allocate one player per club per season from the best players yet to return.

If you can imagine joining a GW in its 12th season where Wayne Rooney has just retired; as a new manager in this GW you are guaranteed to have one of the top draft allocations so there is a good chance you’ll get Rooney (or a similar equivalent).

You have a few options at this stage and around a season to decide what to do. You can:

a) Keep the option on your player and he’ll sign for your club at the end of the season

b) Trade the player for someone else’s pick (this can be for cash, players or a mixture of both).

As well as ensuring that new players have an immediate opportunity to sign a quality player, it will also help keep the transfer market alive by allowing a more radical flow of money from top teams to bottom teams. If a top team wants to buy Wayne Rooney from the new team then they can make an offer and, if accepted, the new team could have a budget of potentially millions to aid their assault on the gameworld. In turn, we hope that this will help revitalise the market for mid-range players due to the extra spending power that new teams in the gameworld may possess.

In addition to the draft system, any new manager or anyone restarting will have the option to include any player who retired prior to them joining an older gameworld. There is no limit on how many of these players you can bring back in (except for the normal financial constraints). The process is transparent – to a new user, it’s not even apparent they have had a career and retired. This additional system further ensures that you can start your team with familiar players.

From tomorrow we’ll tell you about some of the features and changes we made to celebrate your success as a manager and then we’re into the nuts and bots of 1.5 (and I’m sure all the real juicy stuff) which will be released, all going well, next Monday 15th March 2010. These changes include the updated skills system, pre-selected squads, unlimited locks and economy changes.

Add all of that to the new 4.99 monthly price and I really hope you’ll all consider giving the new and improved FML a try.

  • MentholBoy
Add all of that to the new 4.99 monthly price and I really hope you’ll all consider giving the new and improved FML a try.

Gameworld names and a chance to win a year's free FML!

We're getting closer and closer to the re-launch and we'll soon have the date on which it will all kick off! In the meantime, however, we're please to tell you the names of the new gameworlds.

These are:













We'll be giving more information out later this week with info on how we'll assign people to these gameworlds so sit tight till then!


What we do have is an amazing competition with 1 whole year's FREE Football Manager Live up for grabs!

If you've got a creative side, then this is the competition for you, as we're looking for people to design the gameworld logos for each of the above gameworlds. You've all seen the ones we did for the existing gameworlds, well this time – it's up to you to say how it will look!

On top of that, we're also looking for designs for the 10 FA badges that we use in game.

These are:

Open FAs (OFA) – White text, Dark Green background

General FA (GFA) – Dark Green text, White background

Classic FA (CFA) – Red text, White background

Vintage FA (VFA) – White text, Red background

Dugout FA (DFA) – Black text, White background

Extra Time FA (ETFA) – Silver text, Dark Blue background

Union of FML FA (UFFA) – Blue text, White background

Computer Controlled Clubs FA (CPUFA) – Black text, Red background

Xtra FA (XFA) – Black text, Silver background

Ladder FA (LFA) – Black text, Light Blue background

Within the colour schemes above (we need it to fit in with how in-game looks already) you've got full creative freedom to come up with your design!

In total then, there's a maximum of 20 1 year subscriptions to be won!

How do I enter?

It couldn't be easier, all you have to do is email your entry or entries in the format specified in the competition terms and conditions to: [email protected]

You can keep up to date with the Competition if you become a fan of the official Football Manager Live facebook page,

Entries must be completely original and must not contain likenesses to either existing brands or people.

Entries must have dimensions of 400×400 and have a 72dpi resolution.

The deadline for entries is midnight on Thursday 18th March (so you have about 10 days!), we'll then choose our favourites and email the winners with details of how to claim their prize!

More details are in the terms and conditions below. The competition is subject to these terms and conditions so please read them before entering.

Good Luck!


We've just announced the full changelist for 1.5. A blog all about skills and the changes we've made is being made tomorrow.

Celebrate Success


One of the things we wanted to make sure we did over the course of a relaunch was to ensure that everyone was able to take with them a record of what they had achieved in their previous gameworlds.

To do this, we've expanded on the current achievements system and created a brand new set of manager achievements in the form of medals.

Many of you have been in your gameworld since the start, hopefully some of you feel like you've done really well, you've probably won a few competitions, been near the top of the rankings and maybe once upon a time you were the gameworld champion. The manager medals will recognise and reward all of these efforts. These medals will again be portable between gameworlds and aim to serve as a reminder, to anyone you come across, that you've got an FML history behind you.


Here's a summary of what medals you can earn so far. I've only got 3 in my beta gameworld

  • FML Founder (Signed up within Cantona's first season)
  • Gameworld Founder (Signed within the first season of the GW)
  • World Champion (Had the crown at some point)
  • Defender of the Crown (Defended the champion crown at least 5 times)
  • Medal of Achievement (Reputation >= 6500)
  • Superior Medal of Achievement (Reputation >= 7500)
  • Exceptional Medal of Achievement (Reputation >= 8500)
  • Purple Heart (Suffered at least 300 injuries per week signed up)
  • Medal of Marksmanship (Scored at least 600 goals per week signed up)
  • Medal of Industry (Played at least 400 matches per week)
  • Medal of Marketing (Transferred at least £20,000,000 per week signed up)
  • Medal of Finance (Bank balance of at least £50,000,000)
  • Medal of Expenditure (Paying at least £300,000 in wages)
  • Medal of Construction (Have a stadium with at least 100,000 capacity)
  • Cup Winner (won an official cup competition)
  • Gold Cup Winner
  • Silver Cup Winner
  • Medal of Renown (Had a player with reputation >= world class level at some point)
  • Community Medal (users who have been awarded the community manager of the season award at least 3 times)
  • Medal of Obsession (percentage of life signed in greater than 30%)



The Times They Are A Changin'


And by 'times' I mean, the skill system. As was announced a little while ago we have been listening to feedback on the forums about the current skill system and looking into ways we can change it based on this feedback. This blog is intended to outline the concerns raised by you guys and detail the changes we are making to address them.

"The Lower Level Skills Are Too Fiddly"

One of the main issues with the current skill system is that the skills you learn at the start of the game take very little time to learn. While this is good in that it allows you to catch up some ground on the more established users very quickly it is also fiddly as you have to change skills a couple of times an hour. This can lead to the loss of valuable skill training time if you log off and don't have any longer term skils available to tide you over until the next time you log on.

Now this has been a long-standing issue with the skill system and one that we have attempted to address before. Most notably we tried to tackle this with the starting skill selection system in which you would get a choice of the kind of manager you wanted to be. This choice would then learn some skills in the chosen category, giving you a headstart in a particular area, but also unlocking some longer term skills. However this is only of a fairly limited use and doesn't cater to every play style.

So what are we doing about this issue? Well, rejoice, as we are introducing a skill queueing system!

This system will allow you to queue up any number of skills provided that they *begin* within 24 hours. So you could queue a 23h and 59m worth of skills before adding that 20 day behemoth to the end for example. As you would expect from a queue once one skill finishes, the next will begin learning immediately.


"There Isn't Enough Specialisation – Everyone Is A Jack Of All Trades"

Another area that has been identified as an issue with the present system is that the majority of users tend to learn the lower levels of each skill rather than specialising in a particular category. This is the logical approach in the current system as each level of a skill takes longer to learn but only gives the same benefit as the previous level. The original aim of this system was to ensure that the game wasn't too biased in favour of the established user i.e. it was possible for a new user to catch up to being a level or two behind an established user very quickly however this clearly encouraged users to learn only low levels of skills. This aspect of the system was intended to be countered by rewarding specialisation by unlocking new skills at higher levels. With the exception of one or two areas (for example Commercial being unlocked at level 5 of Finance) this hasn't happened however so this became another part of the skill system which needed an overhaul.

So, what are we doing about this issue? In the new version skills will give differing benefits depending on the level you unlock, bringing the reward more in line with the time invested.

To give an example, let's take the Coaching skill. In the new code it will look something like this :

Level 1 : 2.50% Boost (Total Boost : 2.50%) 40m to learn

Level 2 : 2.50% Boost (Total Boost : 5.00%) 2h 40m to learn

Level 3 : 2.50% Boost (Total Boost : 7.50%) 16h 40m to learn

Level 4 : 5.00% Boost (Total Boost : 12.50%) 12d 12h to learn

Level 5 : 12.50% Boost (Total Boost : 25.00%) 41d 16h to learn

As you can see from the above the total boost at the end is that same as before (25%) however the way in which this total boost is earned is different, with the reward at the higher levels being increased, and the lower levels decreased.

A final change in this area which will enforce specialisation is that under the new system a user can only specialise in 2 areas. Attempting to learn a level 4 or 5 skill in a non-specialist area will take will take significantly longer than normal. This means that users will have to choose carefully which area of the game they intend to focus on, helping to encourage increased specialisation.


This isn't a closed door though – it will be possible to change which categories you specialise in, however any level 4 or 5 skills learnt in the category you choose to 'unspecialise' in will be lost.

Anyway, we are hopeful that these changes will help to bring the skill system more in line with what you guys have been asking for and help to address some of the long-standing issues with the system. As always all comments, questions and suggestions are welcome on the forums!

Pre-selected squads

The concept of FML starting squads is changing:

In the past, we’ve run a system where managers are able to (within financial limits) sign whoever they want in their initial teams.

What we’ve found with this is that whilst some are able to quickly assemble their very own ‘Dream Team’, others are left trailing in what’s sometimes simply a race to be the first to the free agents list.

A New Beginning

The aim of the game after the reset is very different: you’ll now need to ‘build’ a Dream Team over time, rather than snap up stars on day one (or soon after). As such, managers must now choose their starting squads from preselected pools of 45-55 players (pic below).


Each manager will be given a unique pool, but these are designed to be of an equivalent standard from manager to manager – all players have Acquisition Fees of under £100,000, and pools are balanced by Current Ability (CA) and, for youth players, Potential Ability (PA). Pools will also have a generally uniform spread of player ages and player positions.

Your Role

Your role on day 1 in V2.0 is to lay the foundations of your Dream Team. The players you pick initially won’t necessarily be the ones that get you to the top, but they are the guys that could give you a vital head start.

So, how are you going to sign?

  • Do you want young players to develop and/or sell on later?
  • Oldies might deliver instant results, but will need replacing sooner!
  • The more spent initially, the less that’s left for subsequent transfers. Are you going to go big on fees/wage now, or hold fire?

    Making the right decisions in these areas could give you a real edge.

    Week 1

    The good news is that what you can do with your squad in week 1 is also changing:

    You no longer need to confirm your squad before playing friendly matches or challenges – this means you can really mix and match in week 1 to discover which of your pool players are the ones you want to go ahead and sign.

    It also means you can get a head start in the race to collect Reward Points, and maybe even be the first club in your gameworld to have a mascot!

    Squad Confirmation & The Transfer Market

    Here are some other quick points on what you can and can’t do in week 1:

    • You will not be able to buy, sell, loan or swap players with other managers until after the start of the first season.
    • You are still able to sign players from the free market after confirming your squad, but only if they are unlocked (see below).

    Note that:

    [*]No extra income is generated through the first pre-season, so there’s no rush to confirm your squad![*]Once you do confirm your initial squad all the players left over in your pool will be released onto the free market for others to sign.

    Locked Players

    As part of our efforts to make building an FML Dream Team a game of skill rather than one of speed, the best players are now locked away for gradual release over a gameworld’s first three seasons.

    The emphasis now lies on earning the right to be (financially) in pole position to sign as player once he becomes unlocked.


    The ‘Locked Players’ screen (pic above) will tell you when Ronaldo and co are due to become available, so be sure to keep an eye out!

    We hope you’ll rise to the challenge of building a squad of stars and wish you the very best of luck in doing so!


It's tough at the top

A new economy is coming to FML, and it's one which promises to keep all managers – especially those used to seeing their clubs at the top of the world rankings – on their toes.

Here are three reasons why:


From reset onwards, there's to be a clearer than ever link between performances on the field and the money your club makes.

Pure prize money now makes up a full 50% of your potential income each season, with stadium income making up a reduced proportion at 35%, and daily income 15%.

IMPACT: A big stadium and/or an historically good club rep will help you, but they alone won't be guarantees of a place amongst the game's elite – consistent levels of performance are now an essential to keep your club moving in the right direction.


The days of getting away with paying players below the going rate are over, with auto-renewal wage demands now scaling in three ways:

  • Player Status: Is your player a major star? The higher a player's reputation, the more he'll ask for. Those of 4* or 5* rep have the biggest demands by far, reflecting their scarcity value.
  • Club Status: Are you managing a top side? You may be bringing in more money than other clubs, but your players will, accordingly, expect a piece of the pie!
  • Length of Service: Players aged under 30 will generally ask for more each time they renew their contracts – after all, loyalty shouldn't go unrewarded.

IMPACT: If you don't keep bringing home the bacon, your players might still be asking for alot of money when their contracts come up for renewal, but you'll need to eat into your cash reserves in order to keep paying them.

If you're a lower rep club, however, the weighting of the system means you'll have the breathing space to keep growing without some of the pressures bigger teams face, so breathe easy!


Good news – player locks are now unlimited, and you can lock as many or as few squad member's contracts as you wish. As shown by the pic below, you can even auto-renew contracts up to 2 weeks before they expire!


The catch is that, as described above, players at bigger clubs will often be asking for significant rises via auto-renew, leaving wage auction auto-rebids as the most cost-effective option.

IMPACT: The dilemma that faces you more than ever as an FML manager in reset is this: is this player worth what it will cost me to extend his contract, and is that an outlay I can justify?

When your team are on the way up, tying all your players down will seem an attractive proposition, but if your club begins to struggle you'll either need to gamble on a rapid revival, or be prepared to sell some stars and rebuild afresh.


To those of you used to hitting the heights in FML we say this: attaining gameworld domination may well be a great achievement but, after reset, only getting to the top and staying there will go down as a crowning glory. Can you handle the pressure?

As for the rest of you: there's never been a better chance to get your club to the top, so get ready to show the world how good you are!


Wages in 1.5 – Q & A with Oliver Collyer

With the much anticipated release of 1.5 yesterday to the live gameworlds, we sat down with Football Manager Live creator Oliver Collyer to discuss the changes to the wages system added in this version.

Q. So what’s it all about then, some of my top players are suddenly asking for extremely high wages!

A. From version 1.5, a player’s wage demand is linked not only to his reputation, but also to the reputation of the club he plays for. Over time, top players’ demands will rise higher the higher the reputation of club he is playing for. In addition, we’ve removed the restriction allowing you only to guarantee keeping 5 players. You can now keep all your players, for as long as you are prepared or able to meet their wage demands.

Q. So what’s the reason for this change?

A. One of the problems that led to the reset of FML was the fact that the top teams were able to lock their best 5 players on their basic wage demand. Essentially this meant that most of the Gameworld’s top players were all unable to get a ‘market wage’, i.e. even if there were teams prepared to pay them more than their basic wage demand they could not do so. The result was that top teams could keep on winning and earning cash and make large profits which would further secure their position at the top of the Gameworld and was bad for the game. By allowing the top players at the most successful clubs to progressively ask for a higher wage, we prevent this situation from happening, while also providing an interesting and strategic choice for the manager. Do I pay the high wage and bank on success in winning competitions to pay for it, or do I try and secure players on lower wages but with a greater risk of losing them to a rival club?

Q. But isn’t it a bit sudden, all these increases?

A. When this code was applied to the current live Gameworlds, then yes the demands can jump suddenly. However, when applied to a Gameworld from launch, the effect will be more progressive and subtle, partly because club reputations will take some time to grow, and partly due to changes to the way player reputation works (see below).

Q. What if I can’t afford to keep a player?

A. Each contract renewal, wage demands may rise and you’ll have the choice of whether you wish to pay the demand and keep the player, or allow the player to go to an end of contract wage auction to try and keep his wages lower. If you choose the latter, you still have the advantage over other bidders in the auction in that 1) you do not pay a signing-on fee if you retain the player and 2) you will only pay what the second highest bidder pays + £1, so the odds are still stacked in your favour.

Q. So what will be the starting bid in a wage auction, now?

A. Top players at top clubs will set a minimum starting bid of considerably below their wage demand, to stimulate interest. Essentially what would have been their wage demand under the old system is still used as the basis for starting a wage auction, meaning you can always have a chance to get a player’s wage down by going this route.

Q. You mentioned player reputation will work differently now?

A. Previously, players could acquire a high reputation by playing well enough even in games at a low level, although it would take longer. This meant it was common for squads to contain a number of well known or famous players, and subsequently wage demands would begin to rise. Under the new system, player reputation is now tuned to the new competition reputation system. What this means is that players can only gain a certain level of reputation by playing at a certain level of competition. For example, a player cannot become a household name without playing well in a Premier League, or in the top-end UFFA competitions. The result will be that many of the high reputations of players seen in current live Gameworlds, and their corresponding high wage demands, won’t be seen after the reset. Only the very top players will demand these inflated wages, and only when playing for the top clubs.

Q. Can managers not just keep trading players to keep wages down?

A. No, because when you sign a player on a high wage, he keeps his high wage. If the buyer was a smaller club, then his wage demand will gradually fall over time, but this would take a number of seasons to take full effect and make such an exploit worthwhile. If the buyer is an equally big club, he’ll continue asking for high wages.

Fantasy gameworlds

Reset brings two types of gameworlds into being; one being ‘Returning Stars’, the other ‘Fantasy’.

The second of these types is to be populated entirely by fictitious players, and I’m going to talk a bit about how the players in this brand of gameworld will be created.

In Summary

We want the balance of ‘Fantasy Worlds’ to be the same as that in ‘Returning Stars’ worlds, which are filled with real players, so the FM player database is still our template.

What we don’t want however is Messi, Ronaldo and others to just be given a random name and age and keep the same stats – it would be easy to spot top talent if that was the case!

Therefore we effectively pull out certain parts of real player information, do a little bit of jumbling, and then stick the parts together again.

The Scientific Part!

We go some way to achieving this by pulling out player influences that are cross-linked, stuff you can’t really split up without unbalancing things. For instance, this involves:

  • Ensuring countries like Brazil have a higher number of quality players than lesser footballing nations.
  • Dictating that there are typically more high quality players in some positions (i.e. strikers) than those in more niche roles (i.e. left wing backs, or defensive midfielders).
  • Keeping essential rules like that which ensures most younger players don’t have really high starting abilities.

Let me give you an example of how the first of these examples works in practice:

When we give a newly created player a nationality we check the available nations left in the database (as we try and create a set number of players per nation), and then give the player a similar ability level to a player of that nation in the real life database. Those players are then both crossed off their respective lists – so once one Portuguese player with a Ronaldo-level PA/CA (not necessarily with the same stats, or even playing in the same position) has been created for the initial launch DB, another probably won’t be.

This kind of process helps ensure the balance of players is maintained, and then once we have the basics we can fill in the other parts of the player’s data.

The Finishing Touches

We create a name based on the player’s nationality: we have a list of common first names & second names stored for different nations & regions and we can choose these at random.

The next part of the player creation is creating all the attributes for players – Current Ability determines the overall strength of a player’s attributes, but these are of course flexed by position – so a good defender will be better at marking than shooting, for instance!.

A player’s nation will also play some part – for example a South American player will often be given a slightly higher bias towards technical attributes then a UK player. This isn’t always the case of course, but there is more chance of it happening.

Along with these age will play some part too as certain attributes (especially physical attributes, such as strength) grow more when a player is younger, whilst other attributes will only peak at the later stages of a player’s career – many of the mental attributes are good examples of this.

At the end of it all you have the end product – a living, breathing fantasy player!


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