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  • Birthday 07/27/1978

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  1. The reaction to the two development blogs we released last year showed how much you appreciated greater transparency from the studio. Finding the right level of transparency is really important to us. Many of you have been with us on this journey for 30 years—others have joined along the way - and you are our biggest ambassadors. That’s why we share information with you when it’s available, and explain our decisions so you can understand the processes that go into making Football Manager. This is especially relevant with Football Manager 25 marking a new beginning in many respects. Why “the right level of transparency”, rather than just “transparency”? There are always things we can’t discuss – we’re part of a publicly owned company, we have commitments to various partners and, as a game that simulates the real world of football, there are always several moving parts. There’s the reality that not everyone wants everything shared in minute detail and, as we’ve seen recently with a new major licence, surprises can also be great fun and provide unexpected excitement. I’m continuing that theme of transparency with a promised Q2 update on Football Manager 25, summing up the last few months of the development cycle and pulling back the curtain on the exciting period to come. We kicked off this important time in the studio’s history in recent weeks with the reveal of our new Sports Interactive logo and brand identity, followed by the huge announcement of our new partnership with the Premier League. It’s a license we’ve been pursuing for more than 20 years and are so proud to have finally succeeded in getting it – we can’t wait for you to feel how it adds to your FM experience. The more eagle-eyed among you may have also noticed an updated Football Manager logo in that video announcement trailer too. You may have also seen the news of FM24 reaching a huge milestone of 10 million players — the most there’s ever been for a Football Manager game by a very long way. I want to thank each and every one of you, from long-term players through to those experiencing Football Manager for the first time, for all of your support. Today, however, I want to tell you about Football Manager 25 [PC/Mac], Football Manager 25 Console [Xbox One/S/X & PlayStation 5]. More news on Football Manager 25 Touch and Football Manager 25 Mobile will follow later in the cycle. The Next Era FM25 signifies the next major chapter in our journey to provide the most true-to-life football management game on the market. Put simply, it’s the biggest change we’ve embarked on since moving from our previous brand to Football Manager and the biggest tech change in more than 20 years. Moving to the Unity engine is a huge undertaking. It gives us incredible building blocks to create new foundations, unlock our potential, and power our future vision for Football Manager, with enhanced graphical fidelity and more efficient development processes. In the future and with more experience, it will lead to faster creation and implementation of game features and design-led tweaks. In essence, FM25 is the starting point for the studio’s next 20 years. In this update, we giving you a first look at the brand-new User Interface [UI] that gives a flavour of what Unity enables us to do. There’s also transparency over a few tough decisions we’ve had to make affecting some of the ways a minority of our managers play the game. Before we get into that, as you know, we have been working on adding women’s football to Football Manager for several years now. I can confirm that we have already secured multiple licenses for FM25, and we’re confident more will follow. Full details of which leagues will be playable will be revealed in the coming months, but, yes, you will be able to seamlessly move between managing men’s and women’s teams. One game, one ecosystem. Reviewing our approach When I first spoke about the changes that were coming for FM25 in last June’s Development Update, I emphasised that a new UI has always been key to our thinking. The question we asked ourselves in the development of this project was “would we do it in the same way if we had our time again?” Over the last year, we’ve applied that question to every single feature and screen in FM. These conversations and processes have led to huge changes across some areas of the game. I’ll be talking about some of them today, but you’ll need to wait a little bit longer for the rest. As well as “would we do it the same way” we also asked ourselves some other tough questions: “would we have done this at all?” and, importantly, “do we have the time required to do this to the highest possible standard, in our first cycle of a new era?” We’ve been creating games for 30 years now, so we’re used to big decisions. Many of those we’ve taken have been informed by the way you play. As you may or may not know, we collect anonymous data on how people play FM to help us design each annual iteration. Crunching those numbers shows us how many players interact with something — in a number of those instances, we’ve seen that almost no one has used them outside of our internal Quality Assurance team. So, I’m taking this opportunity to inform you of some cuts we’ve made thus far and why. While some of the features we’ve taken out no one will miss, others are used more regularly by a small proportion of our FM24 PC player base. What’s changing in FM25? First, let’s talk about the features and modes that won’t be immediately available in Football Manager 25: Touchline Shouts The most used feature that won’t be included in FM25 is Touchline Shouts and these won’t be back for the foreseeable future. Shouts have been in the series for many years and, to be frank, I’ve never been happy with them. A “shout” should happen instantly, but they only came into effect after the ball had gone out of play. It also wasn’t clear to players how long the shout lasted for. So, for the time being, touchline shouts are gone from the game. I do really want them to come back, but they’ll only reappear if and when we can do them properly. Social Media Screen and the Data Chalkboard To optimise both the UI and the User Experience (UX), we’ve taken out the bespoke social media screen for FM25. Don’t worry: all the key information from this will still appear in other game areas, and supporters are still an integral part of the game. With the data used in football continually evolving and developing, we’ve also thought hard about how that is displayed in FM. Most of the existing data metrics and visualisations will still be in FM25 and we’re already working on further visualisations that will be added in future editions of FM. However, the Chalkboard, which was additional individual and team data accessed via player profiles, has been removed. With the introduction of the Data Hub in recent years, which is much better at presenting analytical data to you, the Chalkboard became superfluous and its usage dropped from 10% to below 1%. Create-A-Club We know that this is our most popular mode away from Career and Network Career mode, with 5% of you using Create-A-Club on the platforms it's available. That said, this percentage has been steadily declining. We can’t improve the Create-A-Club experience to the level we’re looking for before this year’s launch. So, we’ve decided not to rush it, and will instead bring it back in Football Manager 26 with lots of changes and improvements. Versus mode A personal favourite of mine, we know that the people who do play Versus tend to do so multiple times. However, it’s also only been played by 0.5% of our audience. We haven’t started the re-design of Versus mode yet. We do still like it, but it may be superseded by something else or return in a completely different form. Challenge mode Part of our Console, Touch, and Mobile series, Challenge mode is currently scheduled to return completely revamped in either Football Manager 26 or Football Manager 27. It was popular when first launched but its use away from Mobile has dropped dramatically over the last few years and is now played by fewer than 0.5% of our audience. We’re currently debating how and when Challenge mode will come back to ensure it returns with the best and most immersive experience possible. Fantasy Draft This mode will not be playable day one of FM25 but will return much-improved later in the cycle alongside the Main Data Update. Mid-cycle feature releases are something that will become more regular for the series moving forward. When we first envisioned Fantasy Draft mode, we saw its potential as an esport. Over the years, we know that many of you have used the mode in this way – and a few tournaments have been run here and there in various guises. We had already made the decision to remove Fantasy Draft from FM25 day one when we had a very interesting reach out from someone in the esports space, with two decades of experience of organising tournaments and developing events, got in touch with us... We’ve therefore decided to partner with FIFAe, FIFA’s esports division, on an invitational FIFAe World Cup of Football Manager which takes place in Liverpool from August 29th to September 1, 2024. Using Football Manager 2024, 24 players will contest the tournament representing their nation on the biggest stage. Not only a FIFAe World Cup title is on the line – also $100,000 in prize money are up for grabs! FIFA’s esports activities started in 2004 and developed into a professional sport in recent years – while breaking down boundaries between football and gaming for the sports we all love. Through what is essentially a test run, we’ll be collaborating with FIFAe to explore how we can jointly realise our esports potential. We’ll evaluate this together how the tournament performs and investigate the development of Fantasy Draft and, potentially, the first qualifiers on the Road to the FIFAe World Cup 2025 of Football Manager using the new Fantasy Draft in 2025. Everyone involved is keen on generating first learnings and to build a solid groundwork for potential future events. Regardless of the outcomes of the first test event, we’ll be bringing Fantasy Draft back bigger and better. In the meantime, enjoy FIFAe’s announcement of this year’s invitational including Arsène Wenger. Do you want to compete yourself? Sign up on FIFA.GG to get notified about local competitions. A new UI for a new era Now, on to a major new change you’ll experience on day one of FM25… I spoke earlier about how the UI will be very different. While we know how vital it is to get this right, what is equally important is the UX. With the new UI, our team have built powerful design and technical foundations that can be easily scaled and improved in the future. This means that every future addition will strengthen the UX without compromising consistency in our UI. We’ve spent years researching these changes, learning how different types of people play our games: from first time players through to our most experienced. With these insights, we needed to find a way to make all the key information available at the right times while not overwhelming our players. And we know that’s a tough balance. The same is true of crafting a design that’s platform agnostic, enabling ease of play whether you’ve got a mouse and keyboard, a controller, or even a touch screen. In tackling this challenge, we worked very closely with the engineers at Unity to adapt their engine to give us the flexibility and dynamics we need from a UI perspective. We’ll be talking about this journey in more detail at the forthcoming Unite event in September, covering more of the technical details of how we worked together to make the FM25 UI a reality. Of course, we’ll share most of that with you shortly after the conference, but, for now, we wanted to give you a first taste of the upcoming changes. Introducing Tiles and Cards FM25’s new UI/UX is driven by what we have called a “tile and card” system. A “tile” is a panel of information with multiple different states, from small amounts of information to larger “cards” which contain more material. Our Design team wanted to create something that would help to build a sense of exploration for every player to reveal the depth and detail of Football Manager. In this system, the tiles are a way of building curiosity by providing a snapshot of information, while clicking through into cards rewards your interest with further detail. Tiles come in multiple different sizes that we call ‘states’ – this is so that we can use the information appropriately in various different screens and scenarios. Below is an example of one tile, Player Form, in these different states. For those who find the description above overly technical, this visual gives important context. And then, in the screenshot below you can see what happens when you click on the form tile - it opens up a “card” with more information. This design reduces the volume of screens in-game, making navigation easier without compromising on detail. Less walls of text is a good thing, right? (he says 2,000 + words in ) Goodbye Inbox, Hello Portal Another facet of our UI work has been studying the constant evolution in the way people interact, communicate, and consume information. Historically the screen that people spend the most time on in FM has been the Inbox – essentially, your in-game email. For a while, this has felt quite old school given that modern football managers spend way more time on their phones than laptops. So, welcome to what we now call your “Portal”. The Portal will be a richer window to the wider footballing universe. It’ll give you far better tools to develop your story through the Agenda and Messages sections, but also deliver you more insight into what’s happening elsewhere via News and Matches. Finally, I want to share one more screen that shows off the potential of the new tile and card system. This is the new screen that you’ll see between your match highlights – more information on how it all works will follow during our gameplay rollout in September. We know these changes represent a big shift from past editions of Football Manager. We’ve been making games for a long time and know from previous experience, research, and wider industry cooperation, that UI changes can take time to get used to. But, we’ve done our homework and could not be more confident that the direction we’re heading in is the right one. How can you help? We also want your help to validate that direction. In the coming weeks, FMFC members within an initial, reasonable travel vicinity will receive an email to surface their interest and availability to come to our studio in London and help with the continued testing of FM25’s UI/UX. Depending on interest and uptake, we may well cast the net further. We’re planning to run this through September into early October, so if you’re not already an FMFC member and want to get involved, please subscribe now. Be sure to opt-in to receive marketing or we won’t be able to email you. A further taste of what’s to come… Thanks for your time and reading so far. That’s almost it, but I’ve got a few other snippets to leave you with… Football Manager 25’s release date will be confirmed in early September, with pre-orders opening at the same time. We’ll begin unveiling new gameplay elements shortly thereafter. As you can see from what we’ve shared here, and have already revealed, there’s going to be a lot to dive into – make sure you are signed up to FMFC and are following @FootballManager across socials. In addition to FM25 and the FIFAe World Cup of Football Manager, there are a few other things we’re looking at, including the return of an official Football Manager Podcast. In collaboration with a big player in the audio space and using an external host and production team, the Podcast will be looking beyond FM and into the wider world of football. Something for everyone, you might say. There’ll be interviews, features, and stories from within the professional game, as well as some segments enabling us to go into our games in a bit more detail. Thanks for reading. Cheers, Miles
  2. The Final Data Update for Football Manager 2024 is now available across all platforms*. Including recent transfer activity in the USA and China, as well as significant non-transfer events, this Update includes more than 400,000 database changes as well as minor gameplay fixes. All gameplay adjustments will be effective immediately in existing careers, although new save games are required for you to play with the latest player and team data. Changes to FM24 (PC/Mac) in the 24.4 update include (but are not limited to): Crash fixes and general optimisation Save game compatibility optimisation Points deductions updated/applied for applicable English, Scottish and Welsh clubs** Fixed issue where user managers who are over 70 years old and unemployed can’t get a managerial role Fixed homegrown status not displaying for players that play in certain non-European nations and clubs [Turkey] Removed 'the match squad cannot have any players aged over 33' rule in the Turkish Cup [Pre-Game Editor] Fixed issue regarding the importing of fixture files A full PC/Mac changelist is available on our community forums. On there you will also find full changelists for FM24 Mobile, FM24 Console and FM24 Touch. Additionally, rosters for certain licensed leagues whose seasons run to the calendar year will only be reflective up until the end of the 2023 season and so will not include incoming and outgoing transfers made for 2024. Most updates of this nature download automatically. If yours doesn’t, please consult our dedicated FAQs page. *The update may go live at different times on different platforms. **These changes are accurate as of our internal March deadline for this Update. Due to the nature of the submission processes for this Update, we are unable to include any subsequent points deductions imposed in early April.
  3. Football Manager 2024’s Main Data Update* is now live across all platforms. This initial refresh features more than six million data changes and includes updated squads following the most recent transfer window. It also contains changes to the Current Ability ratings and Attributes to tens of thousands of players based on their real-world performances since FM24’s launch. Rosters for certain licensed leagues whose seasons run to the calendar year will only be reflective up until the end of the 2023 season and will not include incoming and outgoing transfers made for 2024. The Main Data Update also contains fixes and improvements across multiple areas of the game. All gameplay adjustments will take effect in current careers, although you will need to begin a new save game to take advantage of the data changes. Changes to the PC/Mac in the 24.3 update include (but are not limited to): General stability and crash fixes Data and competition updates Fixed exploit where AI clubs accepted human manager’s transfer offers that were substantially lower than the player’s market value Fixed issue where negative budgets were given to clubs even when they are performing well financially Tweaks to how players are scouted that will ensure more Recommendations and Near Matches are generated in Recruitment Focuses Fixed issue to adjust rain and snow particles in matches Fixed issue where Spanish clubs were registering low squad sizes Fixed an issue where Turkish clubs weren't registering full squad on registration deadline day [Pre-Game Editor] Fixed issue where player transfers would not take effect in Real World mode [Pre-Game Editor] Fixed issue where female non-players can't be added to database A more detailed FM24 (PC/Mac) changelist is available on our community forums. Further changelists for FM24 Console (Xbox/PS5), FM24 Touch (Apple Arcade/Nintendo Switch™) and FM24 Mobile (Netflix) are also available. FM24 Mobile has had a further upgrade in the Main Data Update thanks to the addition of three new gameplay challenges. ‘Unrest at Home’, ‘You Can’t Win Anything with Kids’ and ‘The Dangers of Capitalism’ are unique scenarios set up for you to dive right in and put your managerial skills to the test. There’s also now more reward for your success in FM24 Mobile, with Netflix adding in-game achievements. Most updates of this nature should download automatically. If yours doesn’t, please consult our dedicated FAQs page. *A further data update will follow in the coming weeks, covering transfers and player data changes from later closing transfer windows, including MLS.
  4. În urma unor discuţii de pe grupul FMRo de Facebook am scos de la naftalină nişte rarităţi: - https://www.fmro.ro/cm0001_andrei_v096.zip - piesa de rezistenta - https://www.fmro.ro/cmromania.ace - versiunea următoare - https://www.fmro.ro/cmro201.ace - ultima versiune Singura problema este ca au fost toate arhivate cu WinAce, ca asa era pe atunci la moda. Am găsit pe net că se poate descărca de aici: https://winace.en.uptodown.com/windows
  5. Download FMRTE: https://www.fmrte.com/files/file/63-fmrte-24-for-windows/
  6. @Claudiu A. de verificat Presupun ca la ambele kituri e aceeasi problema
  7. Azi e zi specială așa că primiți nu doar varianta 3D a echipamentelor pentru eşalonul al treilea, ci și varianta SS: Link pentru download: Romanian Liga 3 - SS Kits
  8. Dacă la începutul lunii vă bucuram cu versiunea SS Kits pentru Liga 2, am zis că nu putem să încheiem noiembrie și fără a vă oferi varianta 3D a echipamentelor pentru eşalonul al treilea: Link pentru download: Romanian Liga 3 - 3D Kits
  9. We would like to thank everyone in the community who have given us feedback on Football Manager 2024 to date. Content Update – Early December We are working extremely hard behind the scenes ahead of our next content update with an early December target-date to address some of the feedback we have received including: Improvements to AI team selection , substitutions logic & transfer behaviour Further updates to the match engine Updates to player interactions Quality of life improvements Additional stability updates & bug fixes Localisation fixes and updates Data and competition updates Please stay tuned for further updates, we will be able to confirm the final change list and update information closer to the time. Thank you for your patience and continued support.
  10. Dacă tot ne-am calificat în realitate la Euro 2024, am zis că e momentul pentru un experiment FMRo cu naționala la Euro 2024. Experimentul va fi unul interactiv care va necesita implicarea celor de pe forum, așa că stați cu ochii pe forum mâine.
  11. Dacă în prima zi a lunii noiembrie a fost lansată versiunea SS Kits pentru Liga 2, în această seară avem plăcerea de a vă oferi şi varianta 3D a echipamentelor pentru această competiţie: Link pentru download: Romanian Liga 2 - 3D Kits
  12. După primul eşalon acum a venit rândul celui de-al doilea nivel pentru a primi echipamente noi. În prima zi a lunii noiembrie a fost lansată versiunea SS Kits pentru Liga 2: Link pentru download: Romanian Liga 2 - SS Kits
  13. After a debut season to remember on Apple Arcade, we’re back with Football Manager 2024 which launches globally from November 6th. This year’s edition bears witness to a host of changes, from in-game navigation enhancements to a new Dynamics system that will bring you closer to your star players. There is also the previously revealed ability to bring forward saved games from FM23 Touch and continue your quests for success wherever you play. For those of you that have Football Manager 2023 Touch on Apple Arcade, the store page will update on November 6th from FM23 Touch to FM24 Touch - allowing you to simply update and get instant access. All of this year’s additions empower you to elevate your side’s performances this season, so let’s dive into the detail: Shape a title-winning culture Every successful manager has fundamental values that drive them and their players to be the best every day. FM24 Touch gives you the chance to define the sort of boss you want to be in every career with the addition of new Manager Principles. When you’ve chosen your team and created your manager profile, you’ll be prompted to select three of these Principles from a list of 10 that includes things like Intelligence, Respect and Teamwork. Whichever combination you choose, they’ll set the standard you expect your players to hit every day in training and on the pitch during matches. These Principles are part of a wide-ranging new Dynamics system that gives you a better understanding of your players, their personalities and how they react to the managerial decisions you make. In order for your Principles to have the desired effect on and off the pitch, you’ll need to earn the Buy-In of your players. Buy-In is a new concept we’ve introduced that indicates how much your players believe in your vision and your management. Every player’s Buy-In will vary based on their distinct personalities. Not everyone will be truly devoted to your style of management, so you may have to win a few people round during your first few months in the dugout – how will you handle those big decisions? For example, if one of your players is late for a team meeting, will you choose to drop them from the next matchday squad or will you let them off? A new Hierarchy display shows the breakdown of your squad, from those who’ve just joined the club right up to your captains and senior leaders in the dressing room. Every player in the game now has an individual Mindset based on their Attributes and your squad’s overall combination of mindsets is key - giving you the challenge of managing a squad full of different personalities, from eccentric stars to quiet prospects. Screenshot taken from FM24 Touch on iPad Although having a variety of mindsets is a good strategy for having a successful team, possessing several players with similar mindsets can boost training performances. Generally, just like real life, you want as many positive influences around you as possible – they lift each other up, build a stronger squad atmosphere and deliver you better results on Matchday. Improved iPhone Navigation FM23 Touch marked the first time we’d made a game in our Touch series available on iPhone. Thanks to your feedback on the playing experience, we’ve made significant changes to the iPhone skin in FM24 Touch. When viewing news items, for example, you’ll see that they now fill more of the screen to make the text more readable. Additionally, the actions menu has been moved to the top of the screen to bring you closer to the key areas of your game as you seamlessly move from tactical tweaks to the transfer market. General navigation is now easier too, as with this year’s optimised layout, the menu options appear as one central display of tiles rather than a condensed menu on the left. The below slider demonstrates the greater ease of use that this year’s changes deliver. Ultimately, the enhanced layout will make in-game navigation smoother and present information to you in a more accessible way to help with your ascent to the top of the footballing world. Most Authentic Matchday One area of FM24 Touch where you’ll notice visual upgrades is on Matchdays, where ball physics and matchday lighting changes level up the authenticity and immersion of every fixture. That’s not all, as there are also vast improvements to the way players move in our engine, from animation locomotion upgrades that improve off-the-ball movement to player rotation changes that free you up to incorporate more positional play in your tactics. Inspired by the real life tactical innovations of Manchester City’s superstar boss Pep Guardiola, the Inverted Full-Back player role makes its debut. Functioning as a central defender in possession and a traditional full-back out of possession, how will you use the role this year to innovate your approach and outsmart your rivals? Screenshot taken from FM24 Touch on iPad Elevate player performances with Training The Training ground is where you put in the planning and hard work to help your plans for three points and title glory come to life. For FM24 Touch, we’ve improved the Training module to give you the ability to choose your team’s training focus for the next week. Whether you choose attacking, technical or physical, you can see what your players are doing every day, and you’ll get better oversight of their day-to-day performance in news items and the Training menu. New visualisations of your recent sessions helps to sharpen your focus on what to work on next, whether that’s switching to more defensive preparation for meetings with the league’s biggest teams or making sure the squad are fully up to speed on your latest match-winning tactical tweak. Screenshot taken from FM24 Touch on iPad Attacking, Defending and Goalkeeping training units also make their debut this year. These are the groups that your players work in during training and within the dedicated Units tab you’ll see their workload and the top five Attributes they’ll be working on in the next week. While these units are automatically determined by your backroom team, you’ve got the ability to move your players around so that they work with different teammates. Shifting your very promising young striker into the Defensive Unit for a couple of months could make all the difference to rounding out their Attributes and preparing them for the demands of elite football. Level up your prospects Making your wonderkids world class is one of the most satisfying feelings that any FM player can experience and, as part of this year’s training enhancements this year, Mentoring groups have been refreshed to assist with developing your young stars. Formed of at least three players, these groups typically pair a couple of prospects with a senior player to help with their development on and off the pitch. The insights your star attacking midfielder can pass on to your latest wonderkid additions will be invaluable for the seasons to come. If you’re not sure how best to group your players together, you can lean on the expertise of your Assistant Manager to work out the most appropriate combinations to bring together. Dominate from Set Pieces Set Pieces are a vital part of modern football and this year you’ve got more ways to find the winning edge and make an impact at both ends of the pitch. FM24’s new Set Piece Creator has been adapted for FM24 Touch, with your Assistant Manager walking you through four key questions that help to determine your core defensive and attacking preferences. From the answers you provide, your Assistant will generate appropriate routines for every scenario. When these routines are created, you’ll now see that every set piece has specific roles attached to it. Instead of needing to manually assign instructions to specific positions, instructions are now automatically assigned by your backroom team to each of these role categories. For example, instead of saying that you want your Defensive Midfielder to attack the far post, your stronger Aerial Threat will now take that spot automatically. Screenshot taken from FM24 Touch on iPad With new ways to outsmart your rivals, lean on your backroom team to create match-winning routines and watch your team's practice turn to perfection on matchday. Develop your club Whether it’s a new stadium, a bigger transfer budget or an expanded Youth Intake, you’re now better positioned to impact the future of your club with a redefined system for making requests to your owners. Now housed in a dedicated tab in the Club Vision menu, you’re now able to include a contextual reason for why you want a certain project to go ahead. For those requests that are particularly pressing, you also have the ability to mark one per season as ‘High Priority’. It’s now easier for you to make your voice heard, so it’s up to you to make it count. Screenshot taken from FM24 Touch on iPad New game modes to shape your career There are now three ways to start a save – ‘Original’, ‘Real World’ and ‘Your World’. Original: Players will be at the clubs they play for in the current Football Manager database at the start of your game, reflecting the most accurate real-life data. Real World: Players will start the game contracted to the clubs they were with on the real-life date your Career begins. They will then move to their new club on the same date as they did in real life. Your World: Club squads and budgets will be set at the date your game starts, and only players who joined before that date will be at your club - with all future transfers (for Real World mode) cancelled, giving you the opportunity to change history. When choosing the team you want to manage, the option to ‘Choose a Game Mode’ will appear, taking you to a section with three options. Note - if playing in the MLS or A-League and choose Real Life Transfers mode, no further transfers can be made for the first season in-game. Also new this season That’s not all - there are a number of other changes waiting for you to discover throughout every career. When beginning your career, you’ll have more Manager Creation customisation tools to work with, including a number of new hairstyles and outfits. You also now have the option to add face paint, lapel badges and ability aids to your character. You’ll face more battles in the transfer market following a series of changes to the way your opponent’s make decisions about player decision and squad building. Every squad rebuilding project will be elevated by the addition of football transfer marketplace TransferRoom as a new tool for offloading players. The Dynamic Manager Timeline, which was first introduced last year, has had a number of improvements for FM24 Touch. The card design has been improved and to better reflect the variety and uniqueness of every career we’ve introduced several new events including making a record signing and coming from at least three goals behind to win or draw a match. Screenshot taken from FM24 Touch on iPad More tools to write your own football story The introduction of a new Dynamics system, enhancements to Training and a refreshed Set Piece Creator are among the changes that increase the drama and depth in every FM24 Touch career. For more information on FM24 Touch head to the game’s dedicated page, while check out our Apple Arcade explainer for a greater understanding of how to make the most of your playing experience on the platform.
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