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  • MentholBoy

O discutie pe forumul SI Games legata de stamina a dus la o concluzie de genul

A player with a 20 for stamina can play at a high tempo for a 120 minutes without being exhausted.

A player with a 15 for stamina can play at a high tempo for 90 minutes without being exhausted.

A player with a 10 for stamina can play at a high tempo for 60 minutes without being exhausted.

A player with a 5 for stamina can play at a high tempo for 30 minutes without being exhausted.

A player with a 1 for stamina can play at a high tempo for 6 minutes without being exhausted.

Taking it to medium tempo (below international standard and top leagues' standard)

A player with a 15 for stamina can play at a medium tempo for 120 minutes without being exhausted.

A player with a 10 for stamina can play at a medium tempo for 80 minutes without being exhausted.

A player with a 5 for stamina can play at a medium tempo for 40 minutes without being exhausted.

A player with a 1 for stamina can play at a medium tempo for 8 minutes without being exhausted.

And going to low tempo (very low levels of football and younger youth football)

A player with a 10 stamina can play low tempo for 120 minutes without being exhausted.

A player with a 5 for stamina can play at a low tempo for 60 minutes without being exhausted.

A player with a 1 for stamina can play at a low tempo for 12 minutes without being exhausted.

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  • Generaţia de Aur

Pai noi suntem la medium tempo atunci, nu?

Din ce vad:

- jucatori romani > 15 stamina: 54

- jucatori in Romania > 15 stamina: 54 (25 in Liga 1, 10 in Liga 2)

- jucatori romani in Romania > 15 stamina: 47

Deci as spune ca e o problema certa faptul ca din 54 de jucatori, aproape jumatate nu evolueaza in primele doua ligi (65%).

De remarcat ca daca adaug INCLUSIV 15 la filtru, numarul jucatorilor din Ro se dubleaza de la 54 la 112, din care 71 in primele doua ligi (64%).

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