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Problema Rezolutie


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Salutare,am o problema am setat din greseala rezolutia gresit si pe langa faptul cand intru in joc imi apare pe monitor OUT OF RANGE am incercat de la Editor sa schimb rezolutia insa cand intru acolo imi apare acelasi lucru(OUT OF RANGE).AM sters jocul,l-am instalat din nou insa aceeasi problema.Ma poate ajuta cineva,va rog.Va multumuesc

  • Generaţia de Aur

una dintre solutiile magice. Clear Cache. Cauta pe forum cum se face, m-am plictisit sa o spun de fiecare data.

  • MentholBoy




Now we've installed the graphics we need to get the game to load them up properly, a vital step. Launch Football Manager 2010. When loaded go straight into game preferences from the intro screen. Click on 'Display and Sound' from the sub-tab menu. Make sure that you tick the check box on the page called 'Always Reload Skin on Confirm' and un-tick then box saying 'Use Skin Cache'. Now press confirm. There should be a box that pops up saying 'loading image data for the new skin'. Once this is done your graphics should be working within the game. You may want to quit the game and reload it - just to be sure.

To select a skin you've added choose it from the drop down menu in 'preferences>display and sound' and press confirm. Other graphics do not need choosing to enable them. You do not need to start a new save game for graphics to work.

Once you're sure your graphics have worked go into preferences again and change the tick boxes back to how they were if you wish (doing so will speed up the game load times).


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