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  4. activatorul are inclus si liga 3?
  5. Multumesc pentru raspuns. Am reusit sa trec peste problema asta deoarece am promovat asa ca nu mi se pare ft important. Eram curios daca mai are cineva probleme cu salariul antrenorului? sunt in 2029, am reusit sa devenim prfesionisti dar cand primesc contract de la conducere e mereu la 0$ si nu pot modifica.
  6. eu nu reusesc sa selectez liga a III -a, trebuie facut si altceva in afara de bagat in fisier? Multumesc mult!
  7. In Liga 4 sunt cupe judetene, de unde doar castigatoarea v-a merge in cupa romaniei, acele cupe nu au fost create.
  8. The Final Data Update for Football Manager 2024 is now available across all platforms*. Including recent transfer activity in the USA and China, as well as significant non-transfer events, this Update includes more than 400,000 database changes as well as minor gameplay fixes. All gameplay adjustments will be effective immediately in existing careers, although new save games are required for you to play with the latest player and team data. Changes to FM24 (PC/Mac) in the 24.4 update include (but are not limited to): Crash fixes and general optimisation Save game compatibility optimisation Points deductions updated/applied for applicable English, Scottish and Welsh clubs** Fixed issue where user managers who are over 70 years old and unemployed can’t get a managerial role Fixed homegrown status not displaying for players that play in certain non-European nations and clubs [Turkey] Removed 'the match squad cannot have any players aged over 33' rule in the Turkish Cup [Pre-Game Editor] Fixed issue regarding the importing of fixture files A full PC/Mac changelist is available on our community forums. On there you will also find full changelists for FM24 Mobile, FM24 Console and FM24 Touch. Additionally, rosters for certain licensed leagues whose seasons run to the calendar year will only be reflective up until the end of the 2023 season and so will not include incoming and outgoing transfers made for 2024. Most updates of this nature download automatically. If yours doesn’t, please consult our dedicated FAQs page. *The update may go live at different times on different platforms. **These changes are accurate as of our internal March deadline for this Update. Due to the nature of the submission processes for this Update, we are unable to include any subsequent points deductions imposed in early April.
  9. am gasit totusi un bug. joc in liga 4 hunedoara mai sunt 3 etape din sezon si inca nu am participat in cupa romaniei. a mai patit cineva?
  10. Salut! momentan nu am intalnit buguri, sunt in mijlocul sezonului 1. Voiam sa multumesc pentru activator, il asteptam de mult. As fi vrut sa intreb totusi daca au avut loc modificari la atribute, ca/pa? am verificat acum cativa jucatori si mi se par niste atribute exagerate
  11. N-am apucat inca sa-l incerc dar multumesc pentru share si pentru efortul depus. Sincer, activatorul de ligi inferioare din Romania este cam singurul lucru care ma face sa cumpar Football Manager in fiecare an. Mai tot timpul incep o cariera de cateva sezoane cu Dinamo cand apare jocul si apoi inca una cu o echipa din Liga 3 din zona mea natala dupa ce scoateti voi activatorul. Respect!
  12. Salut, se poate update pt 24.3?
  13. Football Manager 2024’s Main Data Update* is now live across all platforms. This initial refresh features more than six million data changes and includes updated squads following the most recent transfer window. It also contains changes to the Current Ability ratings and Attributes to tens of thousands of players based on their real-world performances since FM24’s launch. Rosters for certain licensed leagues whose seasons run to the calendar year will only be reflective up until the end of the 2023 season and will not include incoming and outgoing transfers made for 2024. The Main Data Update also contains fixes and improvements across multiple areas of the game. All gameplay adjustments will take effect in current careers, although you will need to begin a new save game to take advantage of the data changes. Changes to the PC/Mac in the 24.3 update include (but are not limited to): General stability and crash fixes Data and competition updates Fixed exploit where AI clubs accepted human manager’s transfer offers that were substantially lower than the player’s market value Fixed issue where negative budgets were given to clubs even when they are performing well financially Tweaks to how players are scouted that will ensure more Recommendations and Near Matches are generated in Recruitment Focuses Fixed issue to adjust rain and snow particles in matches Fixed issue where Spanish clubs were registering low squad sizes Fixed an issue where Turkish clubs weren't registering full squad on registration deadline day [Pre-Game Editor] Fixed issue where player transfers would not take effect in Real World mode [Pre-Game Editor] Fixed issue where female non-players can't be added to database A more detailed FM24 (PC/Mac) changelist is available on our community forums. Further changelists for FM24 Console (Xbox/PS5), FM24 Touch (Apple Arcade/Nintendo Switch™) and FM24 Mobile (Netflix) are also available. FM24 Mobile has had a further upgrade in the Main Data Update thanks to the addition of three new gameplay challenges. ‘Unrest at Home’, ‘You Can’t Win Anything with Kids’ and ‘The Dangers of Capitalism’ are unique scenarios set up for you to dive right in and put your managerial skills to the test. There’s also now more reward for your success in FM24 Mobile, with Netflix adding in-game achievements. Most updates of this nature should download automatically. If yours doesn’t, please consult our dedicated FAQs page. *A further data update will follow in the coming weeks, covering transfers and player data changes from later closing transfer windows, including MLS.
  14. Felicitari și mulțumiri pentru idee si răbdare! Numa' buna de un "Park to Prem" autohton si a incerca ceva diferit. Sistemul cu playoff-uri intre divizii, mi-a permis sa navighez cu o echipa obscura din liga a VI-a pana in a II-a practic fara sa castig nimic, nici macar sa fiu prin top 😁. Din a II-a in prima a devenit ceva mai greu, sunt la a doua incercare. Ca o îmbunătățire, nu stiu deocamdată daca se poate, care sunt implicațiile, o sa umblu cu editorul la urmatoarea salvare, dar as echilibra putin datele intre care se disputa campionatele si playoff-urile. De exemplu in liga 2, care incepe tot in septembrie ajungi sa joci la foc automat din 2 in 2 zile in campionatul normal, iar in playoff 2 meciuri pe luna. In liga 3 si mai jos programul parca e mai 'aerisit" in prima parte dar in ultimile luni, in playoff, tot 2 meciuri pe luna. Acum, nu stiu cum e in liga intai...nu am ajuns inca😂 Multumiri inca o data si pentru cine trece pe aici, merita jucată "varianta". Salutari, toate cele bune!
  15. În urma unor discuţii de pe grupul FMRo de Facebook am scos de la naftalină nişte rarităţi: - https://www.fmro.ro/cm0001_andrei_v096.zip - piesa de rezistenta - https://www.fmro.ro/cmromania.ace - versiunea următoare - https://www.fmro.ro/cmro201.ace - ultima versiune Singura problema este ca au fost toate arhivate cu WinAce, ca asa era pe atunci la moda. Am găsit pe net că se poate descărca de aici: https://winace.en.uptodown.com/windows
  16. Download FMRTE: https://www.fmrte.com/files/file/63-fmrte-24-for-windows/
  17. Romanian Fantasy League.zip Pentru cei care sunt interesati de subiect. Am corectat niste probleme in baza de date si am reusit sa creez all star games. 2 sunt implementate. inaintea sezonului este un meci romani vs straini apoi, de sarbatori nationala are un meci cu o selectionata all star din prima divizie
  18. https://sortitoutsi.net/content/64086/fm-24-romania-6-levels Poate te ajuta. Cristian a facut o treaba formidabila cu acest activator.
  19. Fa o competitie noua numita Liga II, muta echipele acolo si scapa de vechea Liga.
  20. Salut! Poate reuseste cineva sa ma lamureasca ce fac gresit. Incerc sa fiu cat mai scurt si clar. Am incercat sa editez Liga 1 sa aiba 18 echipe, fara play off/out, cu 3 retrogradate. Liga a 2-a cu 20 de echipe, fara play off/out cu 3 promovate (la retrogradate nu am umblat, am lasat cum era). Si la test primesc eroarea din print screen. Mie mi se pare ca e setat totul cum trebuie, l2 foloseste "Flexible Rules Format", am scos toate barajele de promovare-retrogradare, nu pot sa inteleg de unde apare eroarea aia.
  21. Dacă am înțeles corect ceva de tipul ai dori?Romania test.zip p.s. am dat de celălalt topic)
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