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Am o problema, astazi dimineata am luat de la sectiunea Download (apasand butonul de sus) Patch 10 al FM 2010.

L-am instalat, am ales fisierul ( C:\Program Files\ Sports Interactive\ Footbal Manager 2010) dupa ce se sfarseste update-ul, intru in fisier din C:\ etc. si dau pe launcher si imi da o eroare: "This application is failed to start because d3dx9_41.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."

Am reinstalat de vreo 5 ori si tot asa imi zice...

  • MentholBoy

I get the message "FM2010 Demo d3dx9_41.dll not found"

You need to update your DirectX, this can be done from HERE

If you continue to have issues with DirectX, there are further links below:

DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer


or for the full package

DirectX End-User Runtimes (August 2009)


If neither of these work, some people have reported success downloading from the following site:



Am rezolvat eroarea asta, dar apare alta dupa ce am incercat variantele ce mi le-ai dat in postul anterior, eroare aceasta e cam asa: "The procedure entry point SymFromAddrW could not be located in the dynamic link library dbghelp.dll."


Am rezolvat eroarea asta, dar apare alta dupa ce am incercat variantele ce mi le-ai dat in postul anterior, eroare aceasta e cam asa: "The procedure entry point SymFromAddrW could not be located in the dynamic link library dbghelp.dll."

e de la Windows. Cauta si tu pe google, degeaba instalezi FM-ul de 50 de ori.


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