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Lansarea oficială a FM 2025 amânată pentru martie 2025! ×

Noul Pret Pt Fm Live


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Avand in vedere ca mai avem aproximativ o luna pana la reset si pana la sfarsitul perioadei free, iata un comunicat al celor de la SI privind noul plan de preturi (unul destul de simplu, de altfel):

As promised, we've been working hard to reduce and simplify the cost of Football Manager Live so we’re pleased to announce that once we open up new subscriptions again, the new cost will be only £4.99 per month.

With no long term upfront subs, this nice and simple price will give you hours of superb online football action at a fantastic value. This new price will be available to all new subscriptions and will be the standard price for all current managers at your next billing date. Your accounts will be updated to replicate this over the next few days.

The new price plan will be subject to Terms and Conditions that will be available within the ‘My Office’ section of your account on the Football Manager Live website.

We will be contacting all long term current subscribers directly with further details about how this may affect you.

In the meantime, if you have any questions about your individual account, please contact support at http://support.footballmanagerlive.com.


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